JAM 2015• Center for the Arts
October (set up) Friday, Sept 19, 10 AM •
Open to the Public 10-3 PM Closing
Ceremony 3 pm Sunday. Sebastopol Center for the Arts 282 High Street.
JAM 2015• Center for the Arts
October (set up) Friday, Sept 19, 10 AM •
Open to the Public 10-3 PM Closing
Ceremony 3 pm Sunday. Sebastopol Center for the Arts 282 High Street.
COME! October 3 & 4, 2015 SCA 282 So High Street. Sebastopol In new Scheuler Art Patio.
2015--One team: Gordon Carter, Beth Hartmann, David Furger, Sara Schomp, Jeffrey Zankel
Send us an email, or call.
707 829-4797
Sculptors meet all year long, once a month, to plan for the jam, install the sculptures and participate in monthly workshops. Please view our calendar of past events for examples.
the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282
So. High St. Sebastopol, California 95472,
and come participate with us at the Sixteenth
annual Sculpture Jam 2014!
The Art Center
is located in the Veterans Building near Ives
The Jam will be held at SCA on High Street, Sebastopol.