Sculpture Jam Sebastopol, 2009
Jam 2014 will be held at the NEW center for the arts on High St in the parking area between Ives Park and the Vet's building from 10 - 3 Sat & Sun Sept 20 -21 Come work on the sculpture or make your own!
Email us for more infomation

Jam Schedule




2011 2010







Jan. - Feb


Public informational meeting at

Sebastopol Center for the Arts. The answers to your questions

Come join us!
Feb 3, 2014 2 pm

fauve tree sculpture
Jam maquette 2014 Fauve Tree

Fish for Ives Pool


Just experimenting!


rusty crow sculpture
Crows from 2012 Jam June 8-10
10 am - 3 pm Sebastopol Plaza

Install the Wind, Libby Park. Date TBA

Ellen Blakeley Glass Studio. Jam studio visi. February 17,

Jan. 21, 28, 30th. Install Fish Sculpture panels, Morris Street, across from Community Center.     Meet, 4:30 Sebastopol Center for the Arts Feb. 16, 10 am- 12 pm - Magic of Wood Joinery • Robert Gautier Studio
7875 Sanders Ln • 824-1710


March 26 10 am Ives Pool. View and discuss site and fish plan. Talk to pool manager. Work every Wed or Tues, 10:30 am - 3 pm come join ius.
Email for time and place
  Randy Comer Studio visit. March 17, 10 am. March 17, 8:15 Glass Studio field trip. Monte Tate.

Sara Schomp studio, 10 AM,
work on Copper Fountain for library.

Sara Schomp studio, 10 AM,
work on Copper Fountain for library.
March 15, 9:45 - Laser marquetry, Karl Shumaker's studio. West of Sebastopol March 16, 10 am - 12 pm - Working w/wire & mesh
Bill Yoes
7286 Witter Ln.• 823-6131


  April 8, 1 - 4 pm


April 15, Noon - 3

Maybe meeting weekly to torch enamel body
Work every Tuesday, 10:30 am - 3 pm come join in. Email us for directions and times Plan installation of 2010 sculptures near library. 
  April 15, Meet at Susandra'sat 9:45 am to carpool to Point Reyes Station to visit Ernie Sanchez studio..sculpture and much much more. Lunch out in town. Arranged by James Stadig.
Will make plans for 2009 Jam.

James Stadig workshop, Guernville. April 18 - 10 - 12. Wood Joinery Meet, SCA 4:30 April 20, 10 AM -Solar Workshop- Warren Arnold's studio, general meeting and at
1 PM Ferro Cement Workshop - Daniel Oberti
Workshop #2.Leafing and Gut
April 21,
9 AM-12
Beth Hartman studio


  11 am-3 pm every MONDAY Work on Fish sculpture and fishy wavey pins Work every Tuesday, 10:30 am - 3 pm come join in. Work every Tuesday, 11 am - 3 pm come join in. May 19, 4:30 SCA painting and drawing studio. Theme and details will be discussed. Wed. May 20, SCA 4 pm We decide on Theme for 2009 Jam. Spirit houses or altars? 10-12 Demonstration and talk on kinetic sculpture. Local internationally renowned artist.
May 16, MIchael Cooper studio, Sebastopol, Wood sculpture. Foam Sculpting- M.C. Carolyn studio May 18, 4:30 PM Sebastopol Center for the Arts - General Meeting May 19,
4:30 PM
1st Meeting
Center for
the Arts


June 9 - 3 pm Gordon's studio/shop Pleasant Hill Road


Tues June 10, Seb City Council meets and discusses new regs for public art in Sebastopol  7 pm

disks 2014

11 am-3 pm every MONDAY Work on Fish sculpture and fishy wavey pins

Wave pin for Ives sculpture

June 8-10 10am - 3pm Plaza, Sebastopol
Erect sculpture, complete bench seat, crow making project for public, patina, paint.

Saturday and Sunday June 19 & 19th Plaza, Sebastopol 10-3 pm

Bibliophoria - we jam the book bench.

  Wed. June 17, SCA 4 pm. Got maquette? Bring it. Spiral ideas with spirit houses or totems along the way.   June 20, meet Warren Arnold's studio."How we Get Stuck" Adhesives, sealers. Presentations by: Warren, James Stadig, Aarobn Poovey, Branka Harris, Susan Harvest .
Decide theme for Jam Ten.
10 am June 21, Experimenting withg new metal colors and patinas.-Beth Hartman studio, Sebastopol.
Decided theme is towers and peace
June 29: meet in Freestone at 9am, with trucks, to get wood. First priority is for wood for 2 benches and 2 tables (one chess table, one picnic table) for the Community Garden. Second priority is for wood for "Apple" sculptures. Sara's after for lunch and a swim. Wed June 16
9 AM meet in
Freestone to obtain
Redwood burls.(swim after at Sara's)


July 7, 3 pm Sebastopol Center for the Arts

  Final proposals due to City.

WHERE to place work?whirl
Jam 2014 drawing for sculpture. It twirls in the wind and hangs from a tree!


Here's your chance to support the project at Ives Pool. Donate and buy a pin to pay for materials.

11 am-3 pm every MONDAY Work on Fish sculpture and fishy wavey pins

Continue work on Harvest bench

Harvest Sculpture Complete. Installation coming soon.

  July 21st
4:30. Libby Park, picnic bench
near sculpture installation. Talk of: Money, Jam plans, door ideas. Repair vandalized sculpture, tidy up the site. All are welcome.
JULY 1 - 4:30pm Sebastopol Center for the Arts, upstairs painting and drawing room. Go here for more info:>> July 23 10-2 Fish making at Warren Arnold's studio. July 18, 4:30 Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Review maquettes, drawings. Plan teams. July 21, meet SCA present drawings and Maquettes. July 5 & 6 Workshop to make 2 benches and 2 tables for Community Garden -Warren or Tom's
Design Review, 3:30 pm City Hall
July 19, City Council, 7 PM Community Center
July 21, 4:30 PM SCA


mock up interactive sliding boxes with ceramic and wooden disks.

wave pin

Click fish to see all pins

    August 19 - 4:00pm. Sebastopol Center for the Arts, upstairs painting and drawing room. Go here for more info:>> August 20, 10-12 Fish making at Warren Arnold's studio. Wed. Aug 22, meet 4:30 Plaza. Decide where jam to be at SCA or Plaza. Finalize teams and sculptures.   .Aug. 17 meet at SCA 4:30 pm. Planning and business meeting + screening of Willa Amorelli's Heart Sculpture Project in San Francisco
(8 min. film-rough cut).
Aug 25 Meet 3:PM Warren Arnold studio, remove redwood bark, teams


Final meeting before jam: Monday Sept 8th  3:30 at Sebastopol Center for the Arts.
Sculpture Jam weekend Sept. 20 & 21
10 am to 3 pm

JAM mid September. Located at Ives pool on the green. All will be welcome to work! Installed final two PORTALS sculptures. See slide show
portals sculpture
Sculpture Jam Sept. 10-12 Jam, Plaza, Sebastopol. Public WELCOME. Sept 16 - 4:30 SCA upstairs. Sept 17, 10-2 Fish at Warren's studio. Third Wed. of month, 4:30 SCA 9/20 Final meeting SCA, 4:30 pm. Sept 21, meet 4:30 pm SCA  


Jane works Touch up


Evaluation meeting and dinner party. Celebrate past and present artists! Oct. 20. 6 - 9pm Dinner, dessert, drinks, fun, and roasts

Cancelled due to illness.
Rescheduled Dec. 15.

October 2, 3, 4. Friday - Sunday. 10 am to 3 pm. Sculpture Jam Sebastopol. Sebastopol Plaza.

Wrap up meeting will be Oct. 21. Meet at Libby Park off Pleasant Hill near Brookhaven school at 4:30, then on to Beth's for potluck dinner and celebration!

Oct. 3-5 JAM - PLAZA SEBASTOPOL. Jam set-up Friday, 10-3
Sat. 10-3 work
Sun. 10-3 work

Show pieces delivered SCA
2 to 3 PM for inclusion.
Jam Opening Show Thursday, Oct. 4, 4 to 8 PM.
TENTH ANNUAL SCULPTURE JAM...Set up on Fri. Oct. 5 10-4PM
Public Welcome Oct. 6 & 7th - 10 to 4:00. Sebastopol Plaza
Oct. 5-8 (10/5-set up)
10/6-8--10am -4pm.
Jam at the Center for the Arts, Depot St. Sebastopol.
Jam Sept 30-Oct. 12
6 PM CELEBRATION DINNER, Warren & Maile Arnold's


      Dec. 15, 6 pm. Sara's house. Celebration of Jams past and present. If you've been in jam, invite yourself!
Nov. 30 & Dec. 1
11 am - 3 pm Libby Park on Pleasant Hill
Work party to install 2009 sculpture jam sculptures and to build bamboo enclosure.
Click for SKETCH of enclosure and installation
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